Last Updated on April 6, 2023
The Gynecology and Obstetrics Department is the branch of medicine that detects the problems experienced by women in certain periods of their lives, through routine controls. It is a section where examination for various stages of pregnancy including pre-pregnancy and post-pregnancy are dealt with. This section also helps in the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions observed in the female reproductive organs.
It is a section that deals with the stages of development and change of each woman. It is one of the departments used for the solution of pregnancy-related problems in addition to the female reproductive organs. For example, it deals with issues related to obstetrics and the ovarian system, such as infertility, IVF, IUI.
Gynecologists deal with medical conditions and diseases regarding gynecology and obstetrics. Among the side procedures that these specialists will perform, there are some procedures regarding reproductive endocrinology and infertility.
In short, it is a department that finds solutions to women’s problems that arise for various reasons.
Which Medical Conditions Does Obstetrics and Gynecology Treat?
Women need various periodic check-ups from time to time. A number of complaints are also among the usual situations encountered in women’s lives. Medical conditions handled in our gynecology and obstetrics department can be listed as follows:
You can get support from Özkaya Medical Center specialist doctors for these medical conditions.
Treatment methods for gynecological diseases are carried out in parallel with new technological developments. Women go through various stages regardless of their age. Regardless of your age, you can benefit from our expert gynecologists, technological equipment and developed techniques in the field of obstetrics and gynecology with no worries.
The procedures performed by our gynecologists examines the problems related to the current condition of the patients in detail.
After the problems are diagnosed, the method of treatment is chosen. The information obtained from the patient with these examinations remains between the doctor and the patients. Thus patient confidentiality is essential.
Even if the patient is during her menstrual period during the procedures, the gynecological examination is performed professionally by our doctors. There are more than one specialised examination carried out in order to solve the ongoing problems of women from adolescence to senior age.
Among the types of medical conditions that women encounter at different stages, the following can be listed:
You can achieve successful results with quality health services from our expert gynecologists.
Health problems may occur at certain periods in women’s lives. Complaints made by women are heard by professional gynecologists. Then, the necessary examinations related to gynecological diseases and obstetrics are performed according to the present problems.
People who will have a gynecology examination for the first time may be afraid of this. But there is no need for any fear.
With the help of our expert teams and gynecologists, various treatment options are devised with the correct diagnosis method. Gynecological examinations can be performed for more than one problem. It may vary during menstrual periods or in the form of a pelvic floor assessment.
During the gynecological examination, attention is paid to the menstrual cycle. It is generally preferred when there is no menstrual bleeding. But in some cases, if there is excessive pain and bleeding, the examination is performed without following this rule. Treatment methods for gynecological and obstetric problems are performed in order to eliminate different diseases.
The examination to be performed can be applied in any necessary situation and especially in emergency situations. During the gynecological examination, it is very important to get clear answers to the questions that our doctors require from their patients.
Because it is necessary to be transparent about health issues. This is of great importance for the health of our patients. During the examination, the treatment process becomes more comfortable in line with the information obtained by our doctor.
The gynecological examination begins with the questions posed by our doctors. The questions asked for gynecology and obstetrics examinations can be listed as the current complaints of our patients, last menstrual period, regularity of menstrual cycles, familial diseases, past ailments, contraceptive techniques used, problems related to previous pregnancy, etc.
One of the applied treatment methods is the pelvic floor assessment. After asking the required questions, the doctor proceeds to a pelvic floor assessment. The pelvic floor assessment is done when the bladder is empty. The patient’s feet are positioned above the hips (often in stirrups), with the perineum positioned at the edge of an examination table. This posture is called the lithotomy position in medical terminology.
At this stage, our doctors give information about the genital tract so that the examination process is painless. It is important to keep the abdomen relaxed and to place the waist completely on the table. It can be said that the examination will take place without pain when relaxation occurs.
Gynecological procedures are methods that women may need in all areas of their lives. Our procedures in gynecology and obstetrics can be listed as follows:
Among our gynecological practices, birth control and family planning are also included. They can be listed as providing counseling, IUD and regular check-ups (hormonal and copper), selection of birth control pills and clinical monitoring.
In addition to these procedures, contraceptive implants under the skin and tube ligation using laparoscopic and minilaparotomy methods can be listed as well.
Among the practices of the gynecology and obstetrics medical unit, pregnancy follow-up procedures are also included. The methods used during pregnancy follow-up can be listed as follows:
Gynecological treatment and diagnostic methods have a very wide category. You can get many services related to gynecological diseases or obstetrics with Özkaya Medical Center. Diagnostic methods used in the gynecology unit can be listed as follows:
Gynecological diseases can also affect congenital processes and women’s hormones. For this reason, we can say that all pregnancy-related procedures will be determined by our specialist physicians.
In addition to gynecological diseases, all stages related to childbirth can also be examined by our center. Women who will give birth can spend all pre-pregnancy and post-pregnancy processes in our center.
Our specialist physicians inform the patients about the procedures to be done regarding the birth. In addition, our doctors advise how to give birth, whether it should be normal or cesarean section. The healthiest delivery methods are determined for the mother and the baby. Our experts’ recommendations to expectant mothers can be listed as follows:
Such methods are among the recommendations offered by our physicians before, during or after birth. If these considerations are complied with, an easier and trouble-free delivery can be achieved.
The services provided by our center make use of today’s technology. In addition to this, it is also possible for you to get all the services that women will need from our expert staff.
Our services are provided in relation to female anatomy and reproductive organs, menstrual cycle procedures, procedures regarding the breast tissue in women, test and diagnostic methods regarding the menopause period and reproductive health.
Among other services related to gynecology and obstetrics, diagnostic procedures during pregnancy, practices related to cleaning the genital area, timing and planning of menstrual bleeding, determining the ovulation day, kegel exercises are among the services and information being provided.
Although pregnant women are the focus, we provide solutions to many problems of single and married women. You can receive services from our center for gynecological procedures with no worries. The most professional methods, techniques and treatment processes produce satisfactory results.
For example, methods to find solutions to this problem of couples who want to have a baby are available in our center. In addition, professional solutions are offered for problems affecting daily life caused by menstrual irregularity.
With these methods, you can ensure that many conditions are eliminated beforehand or that the treatment of diseases that may arise is made with early diagnosis. Gynecological treatment methods also positively affect women’s social life and psychology. In short, it works wonders with today’s technology to make our patients benefit from advanced techniques and surgical methods.